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Cochrane: Here's Some Real Stats, Nielsen!
Ahhh, Todd Cochrane. Some people love him, some people hate him but one thing we all agree on is that he's impossible to ignore.

I'm in the Love 'em camp but I think that's because we share a bit of lifestyle. Todd has been in the US Navy since Centurion was a rank and not a tank (an oldie but a goodie!) and I myself spent some time in the Canadian Navy. Todd and I spoke once via Skype about his Tech Podcast Network and there's something to be said for two military people talking. We can get 40 times the information across in the same amount of time it takes two civilians to order a Starbuck's Latte.

Err..what was the point of this post? Oh, right - stats.

In the wake of the report from the company that I said I was done talking about, Todd has released survey stats from 3700 respondents who were presumably listeners of the Tech Podcast Network and possibly the new BluBrry network. Any surprises in there for me? Yup - one big one:

Total combined household income
$75,000 - $99,999 19%
$100,000 - $149,999 19%

Gasp. Choke. Splutter.

40% of Todd's respondents make between $75K and $150K per year? Whoa...I don't even have to look at the age question to know that these aren't the 18-24 year olds that ever other survey on the planet says forms the main body of podcast listeners.

Take a look. Good stuff in there.

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I wouldn't draw ANY conclusions from a sample that was taken from (what I assume to be) a website questionnaire.



It's got to be at least as reliable and the 4 people the Nielsen talked to :)

Maybe those are the 18-24 year old students who are counting the income from the entire dormitory building as their "household income"


The survey results where from Geek News Central only. With the survey haven been run by podtrac over a 30 day period.

Cool, thanks Todd.

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