Entries from BizPodcasting tagged with 'Applications'

Noopod 2.0 Released

I'm not a superstitious guy, but I still don't think I would release a product on Friday the 13th. The crew at Wilsoftech don't seem to mind, however. They've released version 2.0 of their Noopod sofware today.From my pre-release email:...

A Look at Songbird

Songbird is a not-quite-ready media player built on Firefox. What separates Songbird from your desktop media player is that Songbird can "play the web".I watched the screencast of Song Bird today and have some thoughts. While Songbird's slant is most...

The Levelator: "I'll Be Back"

I have no idea what the title of this post means. It's just that "The Levelator" brings so much Terminator goodness (or badness, I guess) to mind that I can't help myself.I have to admit that I don't understand the...

Magnetictime MT-Podcast: Anyone?

As near as I can tell, Magnetictime's MT-Podcast application is a text-to-speech dealio. OK, got that so far. I can also stretch my brain a little bit and grudgingly accept that such a piece of software brought to bear on...

Democracy Player: Internet TV as it Should Be

I'm not exactly sure how I missed this, I did. The Democracy Player is a video podcatcher for everyone. Yes, even us Linux users which is why I can't believe I missed this.I've only played with Democracy for a few...

iPods on Linux?

I have two Linux boxes at home, but no iPods. Not only do I think iPods are rather substandard in their functionality for the price (iRivers kick butt!), but since there's no iTunes for Linux there is no iPod for...

I don't recommend that anyone run a serious podcast off of any free platform. It's not so much that the free platforms aren't good (although many of them really aren't good), but it's more about perception. It's kind of like...

I'm not a Mac user so I haven't paid much attention to the trials and tribulations of the Mac podcaster. As a Linux user, however, I sympathize entirely. It seems, at first glance anyway, that recording Skype calls on a...


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